Privacy Policy

The website, Reviews Alpha (, ensures the confidentiality of its users’ personal information by neither sharing, selling, nor trading it in any manner.

Why is the email address required, then?

The email address is necessary when a user wishes to comment on one of our posts. Requiring the provision of an email address before allowing comments serves as a safeguard against spam inundation on the website. However, rest assured that the email address provided solely for commenting purposes will not be enlisted for newsletters or email marketing.


Our website employs certain plugins that may track users’ location and navigation across our pages. But why do we implement these tracking mechanisms?

Tracking users’ location and navigation is solely aimed at enhancing our website. Understanding our audience and analyzing their page interactions enables us to refine our content and improve user experience.

Here are the cookies we utilize:

Device Specific Information Cookie:

We gather device information to grasp the technological preferences of our users, enabling us to tailor our site accordingly.

  1. Device Specific Information Cookie: We gather device information to grasp the technological preferences of our users, enabling us to tailor our site accordingly.
  2. Location Cookies: We collect user location data to gauge our website traffic and refine our content to suit specific audiences.
  3. Navigation Cookies: Tracking navigation patterns helps us assess user interest in particular posts and monitor user sessions for optimization purposes.